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Campionatul Naţional de şah clasic pt.copii,juniori şi tineret-2014-B20 National youth chess championship 2014-B U20

Last update 13.04.2014 11:14:44, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9)

Starting rank list of players

4NMDoros Radu-MarianROU2336Lps Satu Mare
6FMDeac Bogdan-DanielROU2329CSU Ploiesti
2CMPop AlexandruROU2286Cs Otopeni
5CMStegariu Vlad-IonutROU2259Cs Politehnica Iasi
1CMDicu Razvan-StefanROU2242Cs Otopeni
3CMVasile Claudiu-DanielROU2233Cs Otopeni
7CMHorvat Dan-SebastianROU2186Css Viitorul Cluj-Napoca
8IPanainte Daniel-IulianROU2026Css Palatul Copiilor Constanta
9Nalbaru Marin-CiprianROU1001Clubul De Sah Deva