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Campionatul Naţional de şah clasic pt.copii,juniori şi tineret-2014-F18 National youth chess championship 2014-G U18

Last update 13.04.2014 11:29:34, Creator: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9),Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 12)

Starting rank list of players

2WFMVisanescu Daria-IoanaROU2076Clubul De Sah Deva
9WCMCosman Andreea-MarioaraROU1914Css Nr. 1 Timisoara
8WCMCirlig Ioana-AndreeaROU1793Csm Craiova
6IMoldovan Petruta-AlisiaROU1690Csm Bucuresti
4WCMUngureanu Maria-AndreeaROU1684Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
7IBracacescu Raluca-VeronicaROU1680Acs De Sah Apa Nova Bucuresti
10IDidiliuc Dariana-GabrielaROU1672Csm Craiova
1IBanciu Bianca-GabrielaROU1633Csm Focsani 2007
5IPrunariu Ana-MariaROU1587Cs Studentesc Medicina Timisoa
3ICiocan Clara-TheodoraROU1529Csm Craiova