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Darrera actualització07.04.2014 15:07:47, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FERNANDO SA DE MELO

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Rànquing inicial

1FMCavalcanti Francisco De AssisBRA22442195
2Rodrigues Da Silva EvandroBRA21642185
3Souza Marcos Valerio A.BRA20662060
4Lemos DoriedsonBRA20141958
5Haskin Zachary JUSA19680
6Jales Luiz Fabio AlvesBRA19121842
7Melo Silvio Sa DeBRA19121895
8Da Silva Tomaz Luiz AntonioBRA19101847
9Silva Ivanilson PereiraBRA18451824
10Da Silva Antonio DutraBRA17721887
11Ferreira AlexanderBRA16931758
12De Lima Claudionor HenriquesBRA15821673
13De Almeida Valdemiza GurgelBRA13941616
14De Oliveira Jefferson PereiraBRA01815
15De Lima Ednaldo M. VasconceloBRA01762