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Semifinal 3 do Campeonato Amazonense Absoluto 2014

Last update 04.06.2014 03:10:55, Creator/Last Upload: Federação Amazonense de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1Souza Neves Andrey M.BRA2153
2De Oliveira Victor Gabriel C.BRA2045
3Bezerra Fabiano de OliveiraBRA1919
4Farias Igor Borge CardosoBRA1702
5Farias Sergio Luiz CardosoBRA1584
6Leite Thales FerreiraBRA1801
7Arenillas RamsesBRA1800
8Nunes Lucas SantosBRA1773
9Silva Leandro da NobregaBRA1730
10Silva Miguel ZadorosnyBRA1688
11Silva Gustavo da NobregaBRA1617