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Championnat de Tunisie des jeunes 2014 (open U12)

Last update 21.03.2014 13:21:04, Creator/Last Upload: Bechir MESSAOUDI

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Starting rank list

1Allouche MohamedSalahTUN0ADEB
2Bacha KhaledTUN0ADEB
3Ben Abbes AyoubTUN0ADEB
4Ben Cheikh YacineTUN0ADEB
5Bouaziz Mohamed AminTUN0M.Tmim
6Bouzid WassimTUN0TBE
7Chikh Mhamed YoussefTUN0Carre Royal
8El Oued OussamaTUN0Bouhjar
9Guebsi Mohamed AzizTUN0ADEB
10Hamdaoui Badis YousefTUN0Ariana
11Maalaoui YacineTUN0ADEB
12Maddouri Mohamed HediTUN0Mjez el beb
13Majdoub JihedTUN0Msaken
14Romdhane AhmedTUN0Msaken
15Souid AzizTUN0La tour blanche
16Souissi AmineTUN0Beja
17Zouari MouhannedTUN0Moknine