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Campeonato Nacional Sub 20 Absoluto Clasico 2014

Darrera actualització16.03.2014 18:58:57, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1IMMartinez Romero MartinMET2385
2IMRuiz C Joshua DBOG2365
3Blandon Villa Diego FANT2191
4Jaramillo Ochoa MateoCAL2179
5Blandon Luis GuillermoANT2167
6Lozano Nestor FavianCUN2163
7Zapata Arbelaez EstivenANT2142
8Hernandez Cristian AndresRIS2130
9Gaviria Andres FelipeMAG2033
10Corredor Rengifo Luis FernandTOL2010
11Gonzalez Andres FelipeVAL1995
12Valencia Cristian JohanQUI1935
13Quinonez Garcia SantiagoVAL1932
14Cadavid Juan MiguelRIS1904
15Ordonez Gonzalez GabrielBOG1883
16Gonzalez Lopez Nicolas MateoBOG1865
17Arismendi Polanco Efrain StevCAQ1838
18Ribero Guillermo AndresBOG1822
19Zuleta Juan EstebanVAL1802
20Pena Escobar Cristian CamiloMET1799
21Obando Guzman Soren FedericoBOG1767
22Delgado Javier De JesusBOG1650
23Benavides MiguelBOG1810
24Franco Juan ManuelRIS1610