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IRT de Abertura FBX 2014

Last update 26.02.2014 05:01:20, Creator/Last Upload: Clauber Figueiredo Martins

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Starting rank list

1Cunha Lucas Aguiar2125404BRA22802294
2FMLucena Lincoln2100410BRA21522126
3Abrantes Tiago Garrido2139227BRA21352163
4Nascimento Davi da Silva2108771BRA21312112
5Coutinho Sidnei Bissacot2110733BRA20772064
6Felix Raimundo Nascimento2142899BRA19941995
7Pottker Gustavo Sartori2166917BRA19761865
8Sa Antonio Villar Marques de2105322BRA19711942
9Ribeiro Jr Valdir Uchoa2112850BRA19411866
10Nascimento Pedro Henrique Alve2134454BRA18581948
11Rocha Tarciso2108780BRA18571864
12Betat Silvio Renan Pimentel2139413BRA17771764
13Noguerol Alvaro Vinueza2166909BRA17511783
14Mendonca Paulo Roberto2107473BRA17431739
15Montufar Berrios Lesly Vivian2125323BRA17291957wU18
16Barbosa Edinardo Meireles2136392BRA17181759
17Campos Westerley Batista2125420BRA16901823
18Olivo Anibal Ribeiro2123134BRA16091742
19Maciel Diogo Alves2150450BRA15941744U18
20Montufar Eymi Priscila Berrio2142856BRA15161836wU18
21Santos Saymon Silva2167611BRA01858U18
22Facchin Filho Fernando2173921BRA01820
23Felix Luiza de Oliveira2168162BRA01819wU18
24Dantas Victor Lima2167549BRA01814U18
25Peixoto Da Silva Alexandre M.2150476BRA01809
26Leal Sara Pereira2125447BRA01793
27Valcarcel Victor Ignacio Santo2167638BRA01793U18
28De Andrade Ivan NeudirBRA01783
29Fontes Matheus Consolmagno2168030BRA01776U18
30Pereira da Silva Evernandes2167522BRA01775U18
31Vargas Carlos V. Valcarcel2173930BRA01775
32Gomes Yasmim Da Silva2167590BRA01774wU18
33Rabelo Jose Carlos Vargas2168065BRA01723U18
34Santos Samuel Silva2167603BRA01718U18
35Meireles Gabriel Ladeira2150549BRA01639U18
36Carneiro Paulo CamargoBRA00
37Meneses Jr. Adelso TeodoroBRA00