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2014 Waterkloof Open - Prestige Section

Darrera actualització18.03.2014 00:41:12, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hendrik du Toit

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Rànquing inicial

1IMMakoto Rodwell11000120ZIM2287
2Van Rensburg Ryan Pierre14301261RSA2159
3Hercules Benjamin Vincent14301938RSA2105
4Mthunzi Brighton14311054RSA2097
5Van Der Westhuizen Willem14309408RSA2061
6CMGoosen Anton14301709RSA2049
7CMBezuidenhout Roland14304562RSA2033
8Nelson Jaco14300400RSA1957
9Nel Andre14308509RSA1953
10Ristovich Dmitar S.14305968RSA1897
11CMRoberts Marcel14300184RSA1828
12Nkosi Dumisa Jacob14314916RSA1780
13Kolver Chris14307820RSA1768
14CMModi SachinRSA0