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IV kadetska šahovska liga centar

Last update 12.04.2014 21:52:56, Creator/Last Upload: Slavko Bejuk

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12ŠK Stridon, Štrigova98101732299,5
29ŠK Duga Resa, Duga Resa96211424,5214
36ŠK Varaždin, Varaždin95221219,5185,5
44ŠD Moslavina, Kutina95131120,5189,5
57ŠK Sveta Nedelja II, Bestovje94321119,5167
618ŠK Gardinovec, Gardinovec93421022195
75ŠK Donja Stubica, D.Stubica93421019,5163,5
811ŠK Sisak II, Sisak94231019145
914ŠK Odra, Novi Zagreb95041019143
1020ŠK Sisak III, Sisak95041018135
1113ŠK Bjelovar I, Bjelovar9504101897,5
128ŠK Novi Zagreb II, Zagreb9414918149,5
131ŠK Hrvatski branitelj 90-96, Zagreb9414918114,5
1421ŠK Sljeme-Agroproteinka, Sesvete9414917,5111
1512ŠŠK Koprivnica, Koprivnica9405818128,5
163ŠK Polet, Buševec9324816152
1717ŠK Ericsson-Nikola Tesla II, Zagreb932481588,5
1816ŠK Bjelovar II, Bjelovar932481580
1910ŠK Mladost, Petrinja913551180
2015ŠK Sloboda, Mihovljan921659,557
2119ŠK Lekenik, Lekenik912648,554

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Olympiad-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break without lowest result (Khanty-Mansiysk)