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Campionats Escacs Base-Territorial Valles Occidental-Categ.:s-16

Last update 08.03.2014 23:14:59, Creator/Last Upload: Eleuterio Daimiel Bescos

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1Jimenez Ruano Adrian20725ESP2065CERDANYOLA VALLES
2Castellet Menchon Cora18838ESP2037CERDANYOLA VALLES
3Urrutia Mule Oriol25424ESP1886CASTELLAR
4Garcia Acosta Carla22032ESP1820CERDANYOLA VALLES
5Alves Garcia Eric21516ESP1802BADIA VALLES
6Melero Escude Oriol27390ESP1708TERRASSA
7Moreno Serrano Manel23947ESP1701BADIA VALLES
8Reinoso Romero Jordi23991ESP1700RIPOLLET