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Narciso Rabell Méndez In Memoriam U2000

Darrera actualització20.01.2014 00:42:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Rànquing inicial

1Carles Negron JaimePUR1920
2Deliz Quinones Hector J.PUR1905
3Cruz Serrano VictorPUR1898
4Matos Santoni GamalierPUR1898
5Guzman Freire JulioPUR1855
6Morales Gonzalez BolivarPUR1850
7Hidalgo Jusino Gabriel E.PUR1811
8Gonzalez Carrion OtilioPUR1809
9Pinales Roussel GabrielPUR1797
10Russi Roman TanoPUR1786
11Lugo Roldan Jean P.PUR1779
12Matta Calvente MarcelPUR1774
13Hernandez Figueroa RamonPUR1754
14Ortiz Ocasio Jose AntonioPUR1715
15Sepulveda Carrero JaimePUR1693
16CMSantiago Fernandez Joel A.PUR1606
17WCMMorales Santos NatashaPUR1575w
18Rosa Pumarejo CesarPUR1563
19Rivera Rivera Roberto I.PUR1541
20Maldonado Ocasio NoelPUR1537
21Hernandez Lebron JavierPUR0
22Ortiz Colon Vladimir S.PUR0
23Pereira Velazquez WilfredoPUR0
24Perez Rodriguez GermanPUR0
25Traverso Aviles WilkinsPUR0
26Vargas Perez Brenda L.PUR0w
27Velez Colon RobertoPUR0