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Turnir Prvokategornika SK "Zeta"

Last update 02.02.2014 02:28:40, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7Stamatovic Vladimir16500091MNE1884
10Milosevic Dragomir16501055MNE1756
11Markovic Slobodan910007MNE1746
2Lukic Lazar16501101MNE1720
4Mandic Stefan16501578MNE1704
6Lakusic Zoran16502060MNE1674
9Vukcevic Milenko16501063MNE1604
3Sukovic Andrej16502310MNE1480
8Marinovic Slobodan16500881MNE0
5Tosic Danilo16500679MNE0
1Vukotic Luka16501071MNE0