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Panamericano Senior de Xadrez 2013

Last update 08.12.2013 17:07:28, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank

1Silveira Filho Neri Da Silva2106493BRA2211
2FMToth Peter2100517BRA2153
3NMBaeta Marcio Netto2112744BRA2124
4Roland Marcos Maldonado2014360BRA2106
5FMMacedo Maximo Valerio2102307BRA2050
6Dantas Francisco2133792BRA2009
7Andrade Erastro Trajano De2116251BRA1940
8Picasso Gallego Nicolas2275414BRA1940
9Goncalves Dacio Lima2131552BRA1899
10Lucena Helianto Dos Santos2104105BRA1876
11Melo Fernando Antonio Albuque2123800BRA1837
12Baltar Petrov Ferreira2131366BRA1808
13De Araujo Antonio Jose2146223BRA1718
14Ferreira Alexander2102935BRA1707
15Macedo Luiz Soares De2104164BRA1693
16Farias Sergio Luiz Cardoso2110148BRA1550
17Born Ary2116189BRA1474