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KÄRNTNER AKTIV-CUP 2003 27.4.2003 Volkshaus Völkendorf

Last update 28.04.2003 23:38:02, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
11SG Die Klagenfurter 1990030,5220,5143,00
22SK Maria Saal 1980128,5220143,00
34SG WAC Wolfsberg 1952223,5218147,50
46ADMIRA Villach 1961221193134,00
58Magistrat Klgft. 1951320,5214,5148,50
67ASKÖ Finkenstein 1943220,5211,5146,50
714Vorw. Moosburg 1961220,5193,5132,50
825SV Feldkirchen 1960320,5186128,50
95Post/PSV Klgft 1933320218152,00
103SF Villach 1941420213,5152,00
1120SSK Eisenkappel 1950420194,5130,00
1217Post/PSV Klgft 2943220184,5133,00
1313SK Lienz 1933319,5205139,00
1421SK Feistritz-Pat. 1941419,5185,5131,00
1516VST Völkermarkt 1950419187128,50
1611SC Hermagor 1941419178,5130,00
1712SGS Spittal 1924318,5200,5135,50
1823WSG Radenthein 1951318,5194,5130,00
199SV St.Veit 1941418,5172,5122,50
2015SV Schiefling 1941418190134,50
2110Rapid Feffernitz 1943218186130,00
2224ASKÖ Finkenstein 2941418182,5127,50
2322ADMIRA Villach 2941418177,5127,50
2431SV Weitensfeld 1933318175,5123,50
2532WSV Frantschach 1950418174121,50
2635Gabor/HSV Spittal 1923418173121,50
2726BSV Bleiberg 1943217,5183128,00
2828Raiffeisen Klgft. 1941417,5180126,00
2939SG Die Klagenfurter Jug932417,5174,5122,00
3036ADMIRA Villach 3932417161115,00
3119SV Treffen 1932416,5168117,00
3237SV Kötschach-Mauth. 1922516,5160,5114,50
3334SG Kleinkirchh. 1940516156,5111,00
3441SC Mittlern 1920716149106,00
3540SG WAC Wolfsberg 2941415,5152109,50
3627Zugzwang Klgft. 1940515,5151,5107,50
3730ADMIRA Villach 4922515166116,50
3838SV Schlatten 1930615162,5114,50
3929SK Suetschach 1931514164,5119,00
4043Zugzwang Klgft. 2940514143101,00
4142SK Feistritz-Pat. 294051414198,50
4218SSZ Slow. SV 1912611160,5115,50
4344SV Schlatten 2911711148,5110,00
4433SK Wölfnitz 190188,5148,5110,00

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents and own points)
Tie Break3: Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (without two results=middle Tie-Breaks)