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III Torneo Escaques

Last update 19.11.2013 04:14:51, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Camacho Juan SebastianHUI2163Club Escaques
2Polo Victor RamonHUI2148Club Escaques
3Puentes AlvaroHUI2112Club Escaques
4Bolivar JeisonHUI2086
5Palomares DanielHUI1802
6Suaza Jose NeyitdHUI1753
7Santofimio Vega Andres CamiloHUI1608
8Yosa JhonnyHUI1689
9Ramirez AlvaroHUI1637
10Sanchez Murcia WilfredoHUI1636
11Cuellar GuillermoHUI1629
12Casagua MisaelHUI1622
13Cotes RafaelHUI1600
14Puentes AlbertoHUI1600
15Calderon Zuta NicolasHUI1568
16Suaza Jose LuisHUI1484
17Valencia Canchon Juan ManuelCUN1351
18Herrera CristobalHUI0