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Kuwait championship 2013 ( Men)

Last update 29.11.2013 20:52:04, Creator/Last Upload: Kuwait Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

6Al-Hajiri BaderKUW2056
13CMHashem KhaledKUW1990
9CMMaqseed NasserKUW1983
10Al-Hamlan FaisalKUW1976
2Al Khateeb TaherKUW1963
11Al Awadhi WaleedKUW1954
14Alkhaldi BaderKUW1934
3Al Azmi KhalafKUW1749
5AlShourfaa HazaaKUW1721
12Al Duwish AhmedKUW0
7Al Mousawi OmranKUW0
8Al Muneer MuhammadKUW0
4Alkhateeb AbdulazizKUW0
1Hussain HashemKUW0