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Campeonato Nacional Para Limitados Visuales Masculino

Last update 11.11.2013 19:16:51, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Rico Hernandez EdgarSAN1883
2Torres Saulo De JesusRIS1873
3Daza FernandoCAU1856Discapacitado Visual
4Jaimes Caceres Fredy AlexanderNS1813
5Sanchez Carlos AndresRIS1790
6Cuellar Jose GabrielCUN1732Club Ases De Sopo (paralimpico
7Gomez Nicolas De JesusANT1694
8Navas GildardoSAN1521
9Rusinque RodrigoBOG1701Paralimpico
10Munoz MauricioVAL1672
11Bautista Rodriguez GermanBOG1671
12Acevedo FaustoVAL1640
13Rodriguez Venegas JaimeCUN1637Paralimpico
14Castillo Perez Jaider EnriqueCES1636
15Oyola FernandoBOG1621
16Franco Perez WilliamNS1614Club Alonso Sanchez
17Alvarez Mendoza RafaelCES1588
18Jaramillo Carlos MarioANT1588
19Peralta Gonzalez Javier HernaCUN1549Paralimpico
20Cancino Johan CamiloSAN1548
21Pescador HernandoCAL1523
22Monroy Juan FranciscoBOY1494
23Acosta GuillermoBOY0
24Alvarez Vargas Juan EvangelistaCAU0
25Astudillo Escobar Jose FernandoCAU0
26Chavez GustavoBOL0
27Mamian Guerrero EdigsonCAU0
28Rodriguez Luis Carlosboy0