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I IRT Cerrado Peru Chess

Last update 26.10.2013 07:11:28, Creator/Last Upload: Comite Olimpico Peruano

Starting rank list of players

3Padilla HugoPER2206
2Pena Morales HugoPER2136
5Llacsahuanga DiegoPER2063
9Serrano DavidPER2043
7Puppi Lazo Jorge LuisPER2032
1Cuellar UlisesPER2022
10Cruz Pereyra AndresantoniPER1988
6Tacuche FernandoPER1971
11Bedoya Rosales LuisPER1970
12FMQuirhuayo GonzaloPER1784
4Landa Medrano GabrielPER1716
8Rojas StevenPER1576