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Last update 22.09.2013 20:42:18, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Cedeno RomuloHUI1849
2Lima Luis AntonioHUI1766
3Rojas AlejandroHUI1754
4Cuevas Sanchez Bramdon DanielCAQ1746
5Puentes HenryHUI1740
6Hernandez SchneiderHUI1737
7Ardila Cordoba AndresHUI1709
8Yosa JhonnyHUI1689
9Naranjo Torres Miguel AndresHUI1673
10Hernandez FrankHUI1671
11Torrente AlejandroHUI1666
12Suaza Jose NeyitdHUI1656
13Perez Oscar MauricioHUI1643
14Ramirez AlvaroHUI1637
15Cuellar GuillermoHUI1629
16Santofimio Vega Andres CamiloHUI1624
17Casagua MisaelHUI1622
18Trujillo Urriago Karen JHUI1602
19Cotes RafaelHUI1600
20Puentes AlbertoHUI1600
21Rios Jose WillisRIV1600
22Marin Palma Jesus AlbertoHUI1591
23Calderon Zuta NicolasHUI1568
24Calderon Jose VicenteHUI0
25Cometa FernandoCOL0
26Garay Poveda Magnolia IsabelHUI0
27Garcia BorisHUI0
28Gomez Alex FranciscoHUI0
29Gomez HipolitoHUI0
30Herrera CristobalHUI0
31Mendez Sanchez Juan MartinHUI0
32Neira MarioHUI0
33Osorio HectorHUI0
34Pino V Maria del PilarCOL0
35Salazar DiegoHUI0
36Serna AlfonsoHUI0
37Vargas Harol AugustoHUI0