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29th European Club Cup 2013

Last update 26.10.2013 20:05:50, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

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Team-Composition with round-results

  12. Limhamns SK (RtgAvg:2337, Captain: Peter Mansson / TB1: 9 / TB2: 138)
1IMAhlander Bjorn2442SWE17002510½½½0½+3724892367
2IMJepson Christian2392SWE1701185½0½1½½½3,5724842484
3FMJohansson Linus2321SWE171111310½001½3723982347
4Schneider Stefan2327SWE170301310½½1½14,5723522457
5FMLindgren Philip2278SWE171323010½1½104723332373
6Penalver Osmani2264SWE17045161001½2,5521772195
7Mansson Peter2136SWE1703048101223010