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Copa LBX Sul de Minas - 2° Torneio Recanto da Mata - Baependi2025 - Feminino B

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.01.2025 23:03:15, Creator/Last Upload: Beto Meirelles

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

3Dayane Da Silva Lemos6066951837Baependi-Mg
4Gabriele Quirino Rodrigues da Silva6147541800Cambuí-Mg
6Elisangela Queiroz do Nascimento6148021800Baependi-Mg
1Alana Caproni De Carvalho3128191785Varginha-Mg
5Lauriane Vieira Maciel6087401633Baependi-Mg
2Danielle Parra Vasquez Silva3159161602Caxambu-Mg