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4th bahman pishgam salamat paydar

Last update 23.01.2025 14:39:24, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Honari, Kaveh

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1AGMKiaei, Ali12530387IRI1902
2Ghorban, Mohammad22551107IRI1794
3Ghasemi, mohammad reza12532665IRI1790
4saberi, mahdi42517877IRI1702
5Ehteramian, Hossein12525804IRI1632
6Akhlaghi, mohammad hosein42753490IRI1618
7Taghipour, behrooz22535950IRI1599
8Khalili, tahaIRI1555
9Namdari, zhivan42784840IRI1555
10Yousefi, mohammad536019542IRI1515
11Rafinezhad, mohammad12577030IRI1482
12Shirkhani, Sabriyeh36729302IRI1424
13fanaei, mohsenIRI0
14fanei, aliakbarIRI0
15Ghaemmaghami, mohammad sadra36768839IRI0
16Ghasemi, Shahram12555649IRI0
17Naderloo, moghtadaIRI0