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Tirupur District Players Only

โฐ 6 DGT 2010 Clocks - First Prize Winners in Under 9,12,15 Category โฐ

๐Ÿ† Top 20 Cups for Boys & 20 Cups for Girls in Children (U9,U12,U15) Category๐Ÿ†

๐Ÿ’ฐ Open Category Cash Prizes worth โ‚น 10,000/- ๐Ÿ’ฐ

๐ŸŽ Special Prizes for Under 7 Boys & Girls ๐ŸŽ

๐Ÿ… Non - Prize Winners will get Medals๐Ÿ…

๐ŸŒˆ"REPUBLIC DAY CELEBRATION" FINE CHESS CLUB Tirupur District Level Chess Children & Open Chess Tournament 2025

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.01.2025 07:11:34, Creator/Last Upload: akrk_1965

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Lista startowa

1Rajeswari, T33364524IND1451wF15Vikas Vidyalaya
2Adhithya, Versun N A48788562IND0U15Century Foundation
3Advik A,IND0U12Frontline Millennium
4Akshaya L V,IND0wF15Jayanthi Public
5Balamurugan P,IND0U15Frontline
6Chiroshri Nandhan S V,IND0wF09Frontline Millennium
7Dinesh R,IND0S18
8Harini S,IND0wF12Municipal Ghss
9Karthick D,IND0S18
10Prabakaran T,IND0U15Dheva Mhss
11Pranav R K,IND0U12The Indian Public
12Praveen S,IND0S18
13Rockshi T,IND0wF09Vikas Vidyalaya
14Sadhan A T,IND0U12SKL Public
15Santhosh R L,IND0U12The Blooms
16Shivanethra G,IND0wF09Vidhyasagar
17Swetha M K,IND0wF12Fine CC