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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Juegos Estatales Escolares de la Educación Básica Sonora 2024-2025 Etapa Eliminatoria Sector Hermosillo SECUNDARIA RAMA FEMENILاخر تحديث22.01.2025 21:35:30, منشئ/آخر رفع: IA FERNANDO CORTINA MONTES
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | | Plaza, Castro Hannah | | MEX | 1651 | Esc Sec Est 33 |
2 | | | Leyva Laguna, Haley Judith | 5185661 | MEX | 1603 | Col Nueva Galicia |
3 | | | Tanori, Flores Stephanie | | MEX | 1550 | Cambridge Hills |
4 | | | Andrade Valenzuela, Anyi Adanelly | | MEX | 0 | Tec 12 |
5 | | | Calderon Amparano, Lilian Victoria | | MEX | 0 | IMARC Mid Sch |
6 | | | Cordova Lopez, Camila Nicole | | MEX | 0 | Esc Sec Est 37 |
7 | | | Cordova Siqueiros, Maria Jose | | MEX | 0 | Col Luis Lopez Romo |
8 | | | Cota Garcia, Camila Yamileth | | MEX | 0 | Esc Sec Est 33 |
9 | | | Estrada Gonzalez, Sofia | | MEX | 0 | Col Regis |
10 | | | Estrella Aguayo, Ana Valentina | | MEX | 0 | Col Regis |
11 | | | Flores Trujillo, Karol | | MEX | 0 | Cambridge Hills |
12 | | | Jimenez Bejarano, Andrea Nicole | | MEX | 0 | Liceo San Agustin |
13 | | | Macias Quintanar, Maria Fernanda | | MEX | 0 | Esc Sec Est 31 |
14 | | | Mendoza Delgadillo, Amaia Carolina | | MEX | 0 | Inst Aleman Mul |
15 | | | Navarro Garcia, Valentina | | MEX | 0 | IMARC Mid Sch |
16 | | | Orduno Tejada, Abril | | MEX | 0 | Esc Sec Est 33 |
17 | | | Ruiz Romo, Dareth Paulina | | MEX | 0 | Inst Aleman Mul |
18 | | | Santiago Leon, Angie Nataly | | MEX | 0 | Esc Sec Est 31 |