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Blitz Dominical -Sub 2000

Վերջին արդիացում22.01.2025 16:03:19, Creator/Last Upload: Jorge Antonio Castro Avila

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Cano Mateo, Ramon Eduardo5110262MEX1983
2Villeda Villafana, Salvador Adrian5139180MEX1954Unam
3Enriquez Michel, Renato5117518MEX1944
4Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac5145457MEX1898
5AFMSanchez Romero, Josue Argel5147190MEX1886
6Menchaca Mendoza, Irving David5185041MEX1854
7Garcia, Santos Omar Antonio5190428MEX1846Oaxaca
8Guzman Delgado, Jose Gregorio3933610VEN1824
9Garcia, Almaraz Jorge CelsoMEX1692Oaxaca
10Saavedra, Luis Hector Axel5157226MEX1618Unam
11Caballero Lopez, Victor HeribertoMEX0
12Contreras Cedillo, Hazael YeremiMEX0
14Monroy Garcia, AxelMEX0