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6th inter school U-15 district level open chess tournament 2025,Hassan

Վերջին արդիացում23.01.2025 17:03:05, Creator/Last Upload: ukcachess

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Udbhav B Gowda,IND1482
2Kshitij Pavan,IND1443
3Adithya Simha A,IND0
4Advaith D,IND0
5Chinmay K J,IND0
6Dhanyashree V,IND0
8Harshith C R,IND0
9Jithesh M V,IND0
10Karneeth L V,IND0
11Kishan S,IND0
12Kristen Sequeira,IND0
13Mayur H S,IND0
14Mokshagna Boyapati,IND0
15Naru Naga Lakshyan reddy,IND0
16Ninaad M,IND0
17Prajith N Raj,IND0
18shaktij K V,IND0
19Shruthakeerthi P,IND0
20Siri Y E,IND0
22Yashwin Chandra,IND0