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6th inter school U-11 district level open chess tournament 2025,Hassan

Վերջին արդիացում23.01.2025 17:02:15, Creator/Last Upload: ukcachess

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Heyan Gowda,IND1483
2Bhuvik H P,IND0
3Charith Gowda H M,IND0
4Dhavan H S,IND0
5Diganth J Arjun,IND0
6Divin H M,IND0
7Druvith N Gowda,IND0
8Gagan gowda H N,IND0
9Gowrisha Jois,IND0
10Haasini nag K,IND0
11Hitesh Gowda,IND0
12Hithan Gowda H L,IND0
15Lekan P,IND0
16Lishan D,IND0
17Mishitha Abhilash,IND0
18Mohammad rayeef,IND0
19Nachiketh D H Gowda,IND0
20Navanya S Naik,IND0
21Niharika patel,IND0
22Poorvan B Raj,IND0
23Poorvith M,IND0
24Pranamya keshav,IND0
25Pranava Patwari,IND0
26Preetham D,IND0
27Raivath vinay,IND0
28Riya Bopanna M B,IND0
29Rushabh L Bhairav,IND0
30Sanvi R S,IND0
31Shashmith Jyeshta R,IND0
32Sooraj Shetty,IND0
33Sydvith V Mohith,IND0
34Tejakishor N K,IND0
35Thanisha K Murthy,IND0
36Thanvika K R,IND0
37Thribhuvan Sangathya Gowda,IND0
38Tushar D Gowda,IND0
39Usiru N,IND0
40Vakya Gowda,IND0
41Vinyas H N,IND0