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Gondia District ITI Boys Chess Tournament.2025.

Վերջին արդիացում22.01.2025 14:18:54, Creator/Last Upload: Sham Agrawal

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1Akash KatewarIND0
2Alok MarkamIND0
3Anshul NandagawliIND0
4Aryan RautIND0
5Ashish MandiyaIND0
6Durgesh TandekarIND0
7Himanshu UikeyIND0
8Khilesh FhundeIND0
9Pranay KoreIND0
10Sanjeev GurunuleIND0
11Shubham DhurveIND0
12Siroj ChaudhariIND0
13Smith NimjeIND0
14Tryambak SonwaneIND0
15Tushar BhandarkarIND0
16Tushar KoreIND0
17Vivek LanjewarIND0