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Khuzestan chess championship Girls U16

Last update 23.01.2025 18:57:30, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Kharibzadeh

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Starting rank

1Khorramnasab, Ghazal42799953IRI1452
2Behvandi, Aryana428022980IRI0
3Behvandpour, Bahar428098102IRI0
4Davoudi maki, melinaIRI0
5Deylami, Helma428023005IRI0
6Gamoor Bandari, Vanya42559448IRI0
7malhani, fatemehIRI0
8Mostofi, Mandana536007234IRI0
9Omidi, Anil428062019IRI0
10pour zaman, nastaranIRI0