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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Insight Invitational Chess Fiesta 2025 - UNDER 15 (For Unrated)

اخر تحديث21.01.2025 20:39:10, منشئ/آخر رفع: CITY CHESS CLUB

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييمنادي/مدينة
1Aaron, Jose PaulIND0Msgr.Raymond Memorial English Mediu
2Anliya, BenittaIND0Msgr.Raymond Memorial English Mediu
3Arav, JineshIND0Pallotti Hill Public School Mukkam
4Ashin, ShinojIND0Pallotti Hill Public School Mukkam
5Bless, SibyIND0St.Mary's HS Kallanode
6Devang, G PIND0THSS Thiruvangoor
7Devis, JimmichanIND0HFHS Kattippara
8Evan, Immanuvel AntonyIND0Pallotti Hill Public School Mukkam
9Ivana, JustineIND0Pallotti Hill Public School Mukkam
10Liya, RoseIND0St.Mary's HS Kallanode
11Pooja, R SaneeshIND0THS Payyoli
12Sreehari, SurendranIND0Msgr.Raymond Memorial English Mediu