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�� Joyous Chess Grand Prix Results ��8th February 2025, Hauz Khas, Delhi Under-9 and Under-15 100 Plus prizes �� Chirag: 9205250270

Last update 21.01.2025 20:18:50, Creator/Last Upload: ShardulSharma

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Starting rank

1Aarya Chahal,IND0
2Aarza Bindra,IND0
3Alyssa Raheja,IND0
4Anantara Dutt,IND0
6Ayaansh Banka,IND0
7Karanveerr, Kakkar537070169IND0
8Nakshatra, Bhagwati531052940IND0
9Paarth Gupta,IND0
10Reyansh Singh,IND0
11Shakyasimha Singh,IND0
12Shanzay, Hayat429059690IND0
13Shaurya Gupta,IND0
14Varisha, Agarwaal537035622IND0
15Viraaj Kumar,IND0
16Vrehan Kayastha,IND0