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Second Phase National Team Selection-Ladies section

Seinast dagført23.01.2025 23:18:10, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

Search for player Leita

Telvarar í bókstavarað

1Banda, Bertha87224981520ZAM
2Bwalya, Margret87278211696ZAM
3Changwe, Masebo Demetria87188491432ZAM
4Chemba, Joana87269651527ZAM
5Likando, Namakau87140291739ZAM
6Mary, Mashane87043171536ZAM
7Mbewe, Anna87029931659ZAM
8Mululu, Linah87069211785ZAM
9Mutale, Mumba Janelle87299640ZAM
10Mwale, Naomi87032991734ZAM
11Mweetwa, Victoria87230601569ZAM
12WCMMwilola, Phylis Namasiku87062981686ZAM
13Namwai, Alinuswe V87262131513ZAM
14Sauti, Nilla87191951633ZAM
15WCMSimenda, Daisy87079601765ZAM
16Vankhedekar, Nikhil Nitya87299300ZAM