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ukáž detaily turnaja
Nacidos en 2009, 2010, 2011 y 2012Clasificatorio Estatal CONADE 13-16 años Femenil Estado de MéxicoPosledná aktualizácia 23.01.2025 06:10:27, Creator/Last Upload: IA Victor Hugo Olmos Olalde
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | pohlavie | Typ | Klub |
1 | | Espinosa de la Cruz, Tamara | 5174171 | MEX | 1626 | w | U16 | Almoloya de Juarez |
2 | | Bolanos Santoyo, Fernanda | 5173973 | MEX | 1592 | w | U16 | Nezahualcoyotl |
3 | | Quintana Gonzalez, Ximena Yareli | 29632854 | MEX | 1515 | w | U16 | Toluca |
4 | | Moran Manjarrez, Jessica Aeleen | | MEX | 1460 | w | U16 | Toluca |
5 | | Valdes Barrera, Michelle | 29656206 | MEX | 1436 | w | U16 | Toluca |
6 | | Hernandez Granciano, Valentina | 29688191 | MEX | 0 | w | U16 | Tecamac |
7 | | Lopez Sanchez, Yazmin | | MEX | 0 | w | U16 | Santiago Tianguistenco |
8 | | Moreno Mares, Giselle | | MEX | 0 | w | U16 | Huixquilucan |
9 | | Sanchez Cristino, Rebeca Jaqueline | | MEX | 0 | w | U16 | Zinacantepec |
10 | | Sanchez Torrealva, Andrea Sofia | | MEX | 0 | w | U16 | Toluca |