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دویست و سی و سومین دوره مسابقات هفتگی مدرسه شطرنج فیل خوب اراک - 1 بهمن 1403 گروه دوم

Last update 20.01.2025 19:15:03, Creator/Last Upload: Mr. Kamran Maddani (Ostan Markazi)

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Starting rank

1Sotoude Nia, Saeed42744300IRI1560
2Bakhshi, Ali asghar536011185IRI1544
3Hosein Abadi, Mohamad36760676IRI1504
4Naghdi, Pourya42709342IRI1430
5Ghalei, Artin42766249IRI1429
6Ghasemi, Mahan428064020IRI0
7Masoudi, Mahoor428035070IRI0