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Groups A/B: 16:00-18:30

Caissa End of the Month January - Groups A/B (Jan 19th)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.01.2025 11:56:59, Creator/Last Upload: MUÑIZ PARDIÑO, Alberto

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Lista startowa

1Arjun IyerA
2Cyrus LauB
3Ernest LiuA
4Ethan WongA
5Felix YuanA
6George Zhuochen DongB
7Jacob ZhangA
8Jayden RiddB
9Joshua JinA
10Jules le ProvostB
11Justin PakB
12Kaito Smidt-OlsenA
13Kyle ChuiB
14Lucas TuppsB
15Max TuB
16Nicholas LiB
17Shayne MengA
18Shreenidhi BalajiA
19Tejas AravindA
20Wong Yue HeiA
21Yuchen LiaoB
22Ziwen HaA