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Giri Chess Academy is organizing Free offline practice tournaments to make our students strong chess player.

20th Giri Chess Academy Practice Tournament

Last update 19.01.2025 12:28:36, Creator/Last Upload: Parikshit

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Starting rank

1Vihaan Sinha,IND1461
2Aaditya Saraswat,IND0
3Anish Panda,IND0
4Daksh Goyal,IND0
5Daksh Toshniwal,IND0
6Dhruv Gautam,IND0
7Lakshya Pandey,IND0
8Mohit Sharma,IND0
9Preksha Ahlawat,IND0
10Rehanshi Adhikari,IND0
11Renay Jha,IND0
12Rishit Gupta,IND0
13Sarvesh Mohan,IND0
14Shaurya Vaish,IND0
15Tejas Kharakwal,IND0