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Open - Chess Meet Club - 6th District Level Chess Tournament - Cuddalore District

Last update 19.01.2025 12:13:33, Creator/Last Upload: CUDDALORE CHESS ACADEMY

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Starting rank

1Anand, Sivasankar A5045290IND1908
2Venkatachalam, K S M5089506IND1788
3Surya, Thangavel46677364IND1675
4Arunkumar, K S45009511IND1656
5Aravindha, Samy K25967215IND1611
6Sibi, M33365504IND1602
8Suresh, Kumar S25645544IND1525
9Suresh Kumar, T5040884IND1499
10Raphael, P25614460IND1498
11Gokula, Krishnan Sivakumar45088250IND1476
12Tholkappiyan, S25601270IND1472
13Sundarakrishnan, R M25642421IND1422
14Aravinth, SwamyIND0
15Arunprakash, AIND0
16Bala, Murugan KIND0
17Balamurugan, PIND0
18Chandramouli, EIND0
19Dhanesh, Aswanth JIND0
20Dharshan, Raj JIND0
21Ezhilarasu, EIND0
22Ganhsi, BIND0
23Ganhsi, CIND0
24Jayasuriya, MIND0
25Jeyakannan, VIND0
26Kumarakrishnan, SIND0
27Lakshmanraj, V ViswanathanIND0
29Loganathan, KIND0
30Manikandan, AIND0
31Ramaravinth, MIND0
32Sagajanandan, RIND0
33sagar, AIND0
34Sanjay, KIND0
35Senthil, RamalingamIND0
36Srinisha, SIND0
37Sriram, RIND0
38Sundarakrishnan, R MIND0
39Vijayan, BIND0
40Yuvaraj, MIND0