Veja todas as informações sobre o Brasileiro Amador STD, RPD e BLZ, e outros torneios, durante todo o ano em

Campeonato Brasileiro Amador 2025 - U2000 STD -

Organisator(en)Xadrez Total
FederatieBrazil ( BRA )
ToernooidirecteurIA Amaral, Mauro [2128900]
HoofdscheidsrechterIA Ribeiro, Pablyto R Baioco [2110652]
Deputy ArbiterIA Jerdy, Rafael Rafic Roncoli [2163942]
ScheidsrechterFA Lima, Kleyton Alcantara [22718397]; FA De Gois ... All arbiters
Bedenkzeit (Standard)90 min + 30 secs per move
PlaatsSao Paulo
Number of rounds7
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationNationale rating, Internationale rating
Datum vanaf2025/06/19 tot 2025/06/22
Gemiddelde rating1767
paringsprogrammaSwiss-Manager van Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager toernooibestand

De pagina werd het laatst gewijzigd op18.01.2025 21:29:51, Creator/Last Upload: Xadrez Total

ToernooiselectieU1700 STD, U2000 STD, U2300 STD
LinksOfficiële beginpagina van de organisator, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Parameterkeuze Geen toernooidetails tonen
LijstenStartranglijst, Alfabetische lijst van spelers, Federatie- Partij- en Titelstatistiek, Alphabetical list all groups, Chronoloog

Alphabetical list all groups

1Mauricio Baena4470088115370BRASPU1700 STD
2Lucas Alves Barbosa4477403616060BRASPU1700 STD
3Isabela Moreira Bessa4474465016670BRARJU1700 STD
4Edson Ricardo Bocca214579017461849BRAGOU2000 STD
5Joao Pedro Marinelli S Da Silva4477115016311862BRASPU1700 STD
6Denis Olmedo Da Silva4472920016180BRASPU1700 STD
7Vitor Hugo Peres Gomes Da Silva4477184300BRASPU1700 STD
8Rafael Severo De Azevedo00BRADFU1700 STD
9Andre Nascimento De Melo2278829818011917BRASPU2000 STD
10Valderi Nascimento De Moura211071717990BRAGOU2000 STD
11Mendel Nascimento De Oliveira4471345216650BRARJU1700 STD
12NMJairo Quintiliano De Oliveira2279250319480BRAPRU2300 STD
13Samuel B Ornelas De Souza2275163718050BRASPU2000 STD
14Luciana Maria Dos Santos2279129900BRASPU2000 STD
15Fernando Goncalves Ferreira2273197016531799BRASPU1700 STD
16Leonardo Medeiros Franca4476177515890BRARJU1700 STD
17Edney Da Silva Freire210730918161853BRADFU2000 STD
18Augusto Cesar Furlanetto4471173516670BRASPU1700 STD
19ACMLeopoldo Tetsuo Ishida215328917300BRASPU2300 STD
20Lucas Kenzo Isobe4476377817280BRASPU1700 STD
21Alexandre Pedroso Janas4473006316840BRASPU1700 STD
22Alexandre Garcia Leal211530117870BRASPU2000 STD
23Davi Natali Mantelato4471177818230BRASPU2000 STD
24Pedro Yuki Yoshida Maset4475728017231906BRASPU2000 STD
25Fabiana Do Nascimento Melo4472070017111766BRASPU2000 STD
26Arnaldo Leite Mesquita218530017981872BRARJU2000 STD
27Andre Vinicius Modes210373716770BRASPU1700 STD
28Kayo Ribeiro Nachef219727817950BRASPU2300 STD
29Marcos Paulo Neves4476993815020BRAMGU1700 STD
30Thiago Liberato Ribeiro2273333718240BRASPU2000 STD
31Joao Victor Da Silva Rodrigues213667818691956BRASPU2000 STD
32Daniel Minami Ruvieri4472046717741898BRASPU2000 STD
33Expedito Santana210383416010BRASPU1700 STD
34Ezequiel Demetras Silva2279776918730BRAESU2300 STD
35Leoncio Julius Specterov217759500BRAPRU1700 STD
36Milson Theodoro213856518700BRASPU2000 STD
37Pedro Vannucchi Trindade4476982217190BRASPU2000 STD
38Elena Maria Tsiloufas4471962000BRASPU1700 STD
39Stergios Pericles Tsiloufas4470310416390BRASPU1700 STD
40Jose Cicero Vanderlei4472074216520BRASPU1700 STD