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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

TNSCA player Regn. is compulsory for the year 2024-25
Total 215 Prizes; Under 8,11,14 - Boys & Girls Separately
Under 8, 11 = 1st Prize - Cycle; 2-15 Trophies, 16-30 Medals
Under 14 = 1st Prize-20 GM Silver Coin; 2-15 Trophies, 16-30 Medals
Under 25 (combined) = 1st Prize-20 GM Silver Coin; 15 Trophies; 10 Special Prizes - Girls
All Under 7 players will be appreciated with medals

UNDER 8 GIRLS - ICC ‘Good Memory Day’ Celebration Tamil Nadu State Level Tournament 2025 – 4th Edition

اخر تحديث23.01.2025 13:51:49, منشئ/آخر رفع: Dr G.G.Sathiesh

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييمجنسنوعنادي/مدينة
1Aaradhiya, A RIND0wF07Tpr
2Ahanthika, RIND0wF08Nil
3Danuja, AnbazhaganIND0wF08Cbe
4Dhakshayini, MIND0wF07Cbe
5Haasini, SIND0wF07Cbe
6Hanshini, KIND0wF07Cbe
7Ilakkiya, KIND0wF08Cbe
8Janarakshinii, SIND0wF08Ero
9Jithishaa, Sriee I CIND0wF07Nam
10Kavina, Srinithi MIND0wF08Cbe
11Krisitha, PIND0wF08Cbe
12Levinasri, P429016274IND0wCbe
13Lirdhikka, VIND0wF07Siv
14Mridumita, V537045300IND0wF07Cbe
15Nilaani, J SIND0wF07Tpr
16Pragathi, KIND0wF08Cbe
17Rithusri, C88150305IND0wTpr
18Riya, Raj UIND0wF08Dgl
19Riyana, A B531089186IND0wF08Cbe
20Santhoshi, SIND0wF07Slm
21Sara, SIND0wF07Slm
22Shamrutha, Sree K MIND0wF08Cbe
23Sherlin, Persia SIND0wCbe
24Shivaniya, S JIND0wF08Cbe
25Shreshta, MIND0wF07Ero
26Sivanyaa, R RIND0wF07Ero