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ZEMUNSKI CUGER - subota 25. januar 2025, od 11 h Վերջին արդիացում23.01.2025 20:29:55, Creator/Last Upload: sk delfin
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Sekulovic, Aleksandar | 900761 | SRB | 2119 |
2 | IM | Smolovic, Mile | 915165 | SRB | 2100 |
3 | | Jovicic, Radosav | 914657 | SRB | 2100 |
4 | FM | Jakovljevic, Zivota | 924180 | SRB | 2053 |
5 | FM | Maric, Dragan | 903400 | SRB | 2030 |
6 | | Petrovic, Zoran Z | 931543 | SRB | 1953 |
7 | | Marjanovic, Dragan | 941433 | SRB | 1842 |
8 | | Cimerman, Dragan | 981613 | SRB | 1824 |
9 | | Kojic, Milorad | 970727 | SRB | 1820 |
10 | | Kovacevic, Bozidar | 926043 | SRB | 1760 |
11 | | Grujic, Miroslav C | 9232316 | SRB | 1700 |
12 | | Ciric, Branislav | | SRB | 0 |