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ZEMUNSKI CUGER - subota 25. januar 2025, od 11 h

Վերջին արդիացում23.01.2025 20:29:55, Creator/Last Upload: sk delfin

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1Sekulovic, Aleksandar900761SRB2119
2IMSmolovic, Mile915165SRB2100
3Jovicic, Radosav914657SRB2100
4FMJakovljevic, Zivota924180SRB2053
5FMMaric, Dragan903400SRB2030
6Petrovic, Zoran Z931543SRB1953
7Marjanovic, Dragan941433SRB1842
8Cimerman, Dragan981613SRB1824
9Kojic, Milorad970727SRB1820
10Kovacevic, Bozidar926043SRB1760
11Grujic, Miroslav C9232316SRB1700
12Ciric, BranislavSRB0