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Lotus Chess Tournament S20 Senior

Վերջին արդիացում18.01.2025 11:38:44, Creator: Delhi Chess Association,Last Upload: BhaskarV

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Adit, SinghIND0
2Amit, ChoubeyIND0
3Gurinder, Singh KalraIND0
4Karan, SaharanIND0
5Priyal, KarodiaIND0
6Raghav, GoyalIND0
7Trinabh, ShridharIND0
8Vinay, ChoudharyIND0
9Siddhant, AhujaIND0
10Shalini, MIttalIND0
11Amit, SinghIND0
12Puru, MahendraIND0
13Nishank, VarshistIND0