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12th Oman Individual Chess Championship - U16 - 2025

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony26.01.2025 15:07:47, Creator/Last Upload: Oman Chess Federation

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1Al Riyami, Mohammed22016902OMA1611
2Al Balushi, Maryam Yusuf22010769OMA1557
3Al Yahmedi, Ibrahim22006397OMA1540
4Al Bulushi, Ali22007440OMA1522
5Al Harrasi, Osama Muntaser22020357OMA1492
6Al Mahrouqi, Mohammed22006176OMA1484
7Al Sabti, Wadhah22017933OMA1470
8Al Ghafri, Faris22024387OMA1456
9Al Maamari, Abdulmalik22014381OMA1422
10Al Abri, Mohamed Hilal22025766OMA0
11Al Balushi, Yasir22019189OMA0
12Al Farsi, Eyad Faris22029583OMA0
13Al Hadhrami, Mohammed Fahad22028064OMA0
14Al Hadhrami, Wisam22024433OMA0
15Al Hinai, Mohammed Badar22026541OMA0
16Al Hussaini, Abdul Malik22029613OMA0
17Al Maawali, AsirOMA0
18Al Mamari, Omar Awadh22017399OMA0
19Al Marzuqi, Al Shaikh Abdullah22023925OMA0
20Al Rawahy, Abdul Malik22027645OMA0
21Al Riyami, Saif22015442OMA0