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Smt. Kanak Vishnoi Memorial Chess Championship 2025 (U-11) Վերջին արդիացում18.01.2025 11:47:06, Creator/Last Upload: Satendra Chess
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | Adhya, Pandey | | IND | 0 | Subhash Samark Public School |
2 | | Disha, Tripathi | | IND | 0 | Allenhouse Public School Panki |
3 | | Divyata Tiwari, | | IND | 0 | Dr.Virendra Swarup Education Centre |
4 | | Edhita Bansal, | | IND | 0 | Sheilling House Junior School |
5 | | Ishi, Misra | | IND | 0 | Mariumpur Sr Sec School |
6 | | Jaldhija, Rathore | | IND | 0 | Aps Kanpur |
7 | | Jigyasha, Srivastava | | IND | 0 | Sri Ram Education Centre |
8 | | Manasvi, Srivastava | | IND | 0 | Up Kirana Seva Samiti Balika Vidyal |
9 | | Ridhansha, Sinha | | IND | 0 | Dps, Azad Nagar |
10 | | Sanvi, Omar | 531041639 | IND | 0 | Billabong High International School |
11 | | Shanvi, Singh | | IND | 0 | Sri Ram Education Center |