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Smt. Kanak Vishnoi Memorial Chess Championship 2025 (U-17)

Վերջին արդիացում18.01.2025 11:45:54, Creator/Last Upload: Satendra Chess

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Ananya, Srivastava33370230IND1642Dr Virendra Swarup Education Centre
2Akanksha, SinghIND0Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya .
3Ananya, ShuklaIND0Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centr
4Ananya, TiwariIND0
5Anshika,IND0Mantora Public School
6Bhavika, VermaIND0Dr. Virendra Swaroop Education Cent
7Chhavi Yadav,IND0Skomiya Academy School
8Himaani, Shah537047400IND0Sheiling House School
9Kanak, SonkarIND0Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Afs Chakeri
10Khushi, ChawlaIND0Harsahai Pg College Kanpur
11Khyati, ShahIND0Dr Virenda Swarup Education Centre
12Pranya Omar,IND0Sheiling House School
13Sejal, PandeyIND0Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Cente
14Shruti Gupta,IND0Shri Ram Public School
15Sonali Gaur,IND0Mantora Public School
16Vasundhara,IND0Mantora Public School