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28th Kermanshah Weekly Chess Tournament 1403 _ Rapid

Last update 17.01.2025 16:57:37, Creator/Last Upload: Abbasi Zahra

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Starting rank

1Asvar, Mohammad Matin42573955IRI2123
2Dezhdar, Roozbeh22543120IRI2094
3Azmoodeh, Parsa36783528IRI2019U12
4Moghadasi, Hamed12578002IRI1928
5Amiri, Mahan32782500IRI1862U12
6Heydarian, Noyan42723736IRI1799U12
7Hoseini, Hamzeh42525675IRI1774
8Amiri, Mehrad42768039IRI1715
9Mohajer Pour, Mehran36750662IRI1645S50
10Amiri, Firooz12571121IRI1600
11Zare, Kianoosh36783650IRI1589
12Badri, Morteza428069668IRI1576
13Radfar, Amir Reza428069749IRI1406
14Amraei, Mohammad RezaIRI0
15Javid, Parisa42723760IRI0