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1º Circuito Rápido Sorocabano 2025 18.01

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.01.2025 23:47:27, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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1Isaac Fieri,2257
2MN Valdenicio Marcelino,2220
3Antonio Batista,AUT2158
4WFM Regina Bonfim,2149
5Eugenio Herbst,SEN2073
6André Whitaker,2053
7Arnaldo Ulisses,SEN2047
8MN Bruno Conti,1990
9Luan Lopes,1984
10Arthur Vallota,S141943
11Lucas Picoli,S161921
12Samuel Gutierres,S141913
13Daniel Zotelli,AUT1900
14Lucas Copelli,AUT1900
15Théo Andreas,S141896
16Alaél Souza,1892
17Eduardo Zeraib,1881
18Thiago Gomes,1881
19Felipe Rocha,1873
20Henrique Brandl,S161847
21Brendon Nunes,S141820
22Aquiles Roque,S161817
23Gabriel Vitorelo,S161817
24Diego Orosco,1816
25Ivan Borin,1811
26Gabriel Covre,S161809
27José Eduardo Morás,1805
28Alan Videira,1800
29Eder Cegal,1800
30Dinah Cruz,FEM1800
31Felipe Pereira,AUT1800
32Kristian Correa,S161800
33Lucas Dantas,1800
34Lucas Mannelli,Ini1800
35Miguel Marcondes,AUT1800
36Paulo Franco,1800
37Vitor Hugo Santiago,1800
38Pedro Basílio,Ini1799
39Tareq Corrá,S141799
40Cauâ de Sá,S121789
41Alex Wang,S121776
42Carlos Guillaume,1772
43Oliver Guillaume,S101772
44Lucas Santos,S141771
45Matheus Yuji,S101740
46Alice Wang,S100
47Anderson Nogueira,0
48Arthur Borsari,Ini0
49Arthur Braga,S120
50Brayan Ribeiro,Ini0
51Daniel Scocco,AUT0
52Giovanni Mazzon,0
53Isabele Cristine,FEM0
54João Maldonado,S120
55Lauren Ferreira,Fem0
56Lucas Siumei,S140
57Luiz Phelipe Capela,Ini0
58Marco Scocco,AUT0
59Pedro Siumei,S100
60Piero Ruzzi,Ini0
61Samuel Penalver,S120
62Victor Proença,S120
63Vittorio Guillaume,S100