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BRZOPOTEZNI TURNIR JANUAR 2025 BAČKA PALANKA Վերջին արդիացում23.01.2025 15:19:11, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | FM | Brajic, Miloje | 922358 | SRB | 2153 |
2 | | Tepic, Boris | 922668 | SRB | 2112 |
3 | | Jovanovic, Petar | 924032 | SRB | 2091 |
4 | CM | Popovic, Dobrivoj | 907103 | SRB | 2013 |
5 | | Lalic, Nikola | 979821 | SRB | 1996 |
6 | | Parnicki, Zlatko | 920789 | SRB | 1988 |
7 | | Mencik, David | 955507 | SRB | 1975 |
8 | FM | Rajak, Luka | 929522 | SRB | 1973 |
9 | | Petric, Milos | 966959 | SRB | 1963 |
10 | | Jovanovic, Ilija | 988049 | SRB | 1904 |
11 | | Kralj, Nebojsa | 960721 | SRB | 1886 |
12 | | Milanovic, Zoran | 982474 | SRB | 1861 |
13 | | Suvara, Filip | 9229986 | SRB | 1857 |
14 | | Micic, Jovan | 982466 | SRB | 1849 |
15 | | Zoric, Ognjen N | 9237938 | SRB | 1733 |
16 | | Tomasic, Bojan | 9247291 | SRB | 1717 |
17 | | Brajic, Andrej | 9211505 | SRB | 1663 |
18 | | Tomasic, Bojana | 9247305 | SRB | 1661 |
19 | | Celik, Bratislav | 9232480 | SRB | 1589 |
20 | | Brajic, Boris | 9210800 | SRB | 1539 |