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National Youth Chess Championship Open U16 2025

Darrera actualització23.01.2025 22:59:06, Creador/Darrera càrrega: NA Mohamed Badr

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Rànquing inicial

1Mahmoud Hussain, Abdulla54237971EGY1743U16
2ACMMohamed Abu Bakr, Omar54249465EGY1666U16
3Khaled Mareiy, Aly10662197EGY1665U16
4Mohamed Shoaib, Hassan10672656EGY1511U16
5Mostafa Alkhalifa, Ahmed54265398EGY1471U16
6Ahmed Amin, Youssef54254442EGY0U16
7Ahmed Saber, Youssef10690034EGY0U14
8Hani Ahmed, Adham54256933EGY0U16
9Mohamed Mustafa, MustafaEGY0U16
10Najah Gamal, ElgaliEGY0U16
11Sharif Mohamed Kamal, AhmedEGY0U16
12Tamer Seifin, Johnny10692479EGY0U16