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Mission: SAHASRA ♕♙Tirupattur District U09 & U25 Championships-4th District Level Chess Torunament-2025 ♟♛ Mittur Chess Acadmy-Category : UNDER 25

Last update 19.01.2025 13:44:38, Creator/Last Upload: Tirupattur District Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Rubesh C25106139IND1591U25
2Chatraessh R S33430489IND1516U25
3Naren V531057179IND1514
4Thirumurgan M88108031IND1500U25
5Sutheesen D429003318IND1464U25
6Damotharan SIND0
7Devipriya DIND0wU25
8Dhavin Prakash D88107531IND0U25
9Dinesh Kumaar R88103439IND0U25
10Divya P2520wU25
11Ezhilarasi KIND0w
13Gokul Raj S2520U25
14Jai Deep P2520U25
15Kaviya KIND0wU25
16Lokeswari RIND0wU25
17Monish Varshini SIND0wU25
18Pooja Sri SIND0wU25
19Suga Chezhiyan K S48722901IND0U25
20Sumithran T537026232IND0
21Viswanath AIND0