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Smt. Kanak Vishnoi Memorial Chess Championship 2025 (U-07,U-09,U-11)Girls

Վերջին արդիացում17.01.2025 09:21:03, Creator/Last Upload: Satendra Chess

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1Aaradhya, DixitIND0Afgji
2Abhigya, TiwariIND0Sheiling House School
3Adhya, PandeyIND0Subhash Samark Public School
4Avika, SharmaIND0Loftywell School
5Disha, TripathiIND0Allenhouse Public School Panki
6Divyata Tiwari,IND0Dr.Virendra Swarup Education Centre
7Drisha, AgarwalIND0Sheiling House School
8Edhita Bansal,IND0
9Hridiya, SinghIND0Sri Ram Education Centre,Panki, Kan
10Ishi, MisraIND0Mariumpur Sr Sec School
11Jaldhija, RathoreIND0Aps Kanpur
12Jigyasha, SrivastavaIND0Sri Ram Education Centre
13Kashvie Nagnur,IND0
14Kuberaksshi, BhatiaIND0Delhi Public School , Kalyanpur
15Maanushri, ModiIND0Seth Anandram Jaipuria School
16Manasvi, SrivastavaIND0Up Kirana Seva Samiti Balika Vidyal
17Maya Vishnoi,0
18Myra, Gupta537047450IND0Sheiling House School
19Ridhansha, SinhaIND0Dps, Azad Nagar
20Saanvi, JainIND0Sheiling House School
21Sanvi, Omar531041639IND0Billabong High International School
22Shanvi, Sharma48719609IND0Allen House Public School Panki
23Shanvi, SinghIND0Sri Ram Education Center